Sunday, April 29, 2007

Family Law Search Terms

One of the biggest challenges I see most lawyers make, is using legal jargon on their lawyer website. This may look prestigious and intelligent but it does 2 things that are not good:
1. It often intimidate the average web visitor who is doing a quick lawyer search to see if someone can help them for their legal issue.
2. You lose on on search terms your potential clients are using to find attorneys.

In the estate planning world I see the following search terms being used on Google, Yahoo, MSN etc:
"how do I split my 401k?"
"can I get a divorce if my wife is cheating on me?"
"how does a house get split during a divorce?"
"stocks get divided in divorce?"

Notice there are not the terms: assets, retirement, equity, portfolio, division, and infidelity.

How do you put these rich and popular search terms on your website? Three suggestions:
1. Interdisperse these terms in the content of your existing website.
2. Have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page where you answer these natural language type questions
3. Get testimonials (anonymous of course) from your clients stating that:
"I thought that I would lose my house and 401k during the divorce, but attorney X helped me keep them"

Until next time.


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