Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lawyer Blogging Tips

When an attorney decides whether to start a blog or not, I always ask them, "Are you really going to spend the time to make your blog successful?" A neglected lawyer blog is worse than having no blog at all.
I stumbled across this article by Foster Web Marketing that has some very good ideas to help lawyers stay on point with blogs.

This article gives 5 points for a successful blog. My two favorite are:
1. Set aside a certain time of day or week dedicated to working on your blog
2. Don't be afraid to invite guest bloggers to help you create blog posts

I had never considered these two suggestions. I recommend you check out the article.

Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

Vik said...

As you know, more and more lawyers will launch blogs in the coming weeks -- so this post is highly relevant. As I help lawyers marketing their bLAWgs, I thus help many to launch theirs and to start thinking of and posting content...

There are many lists out there that help people come up with interesting blog posts... for my clients who are attorneys or CPAs, I first ask them to put together a list of 10 Frequently Asked Questions... and they and their staff type up the answers.

Each one can become a blog post -- and at 1 or 2 posts a week, this gets them going... or it can be spaced out longer, depending on their enthusiasm. Of course, if the answers are complex - we break it up into multiple posts. I coach them to judge whether or not it's advisory/confidential or public info/reference law. Obviously, they should not provide legal advice on their blogs: It's against their codes of ethics, and their accounts of bank!

Lawyers must also state that their blog is "Attorney Advertising" even if they are trying not to be "too" self-promotional.
